On this page we have meanings some of the newest technical terms used with fridges, especially from LG and Samsung. These are all the names of latest features in fridges now, and the new fridge technical words for it.
The 100V~290V LVS is feature in LG fridges, whereby the Fridge is capable of operating within the Voltage range of 100 to 290 Volts. Normal Voltage in India is 220 to 240, but in many parts of India the voltage fluctuates a lot. This has resulted in the use of Voltage Stabilisers in India. LG says that with their 100V~290V LVS feature, a Voltage Stabilizer may not be necessary.
Auto Smart Connect:
Auto Smart Connect is a trademark LG feature, by which the fridge can run on a home inverter when there is a power cut. The fridge connects automatically, after the lapse of a few minutes of power outage, to the home inverter. During the power cuts, the fridge consumes just enough power to keep the fridge cool within a certain temperature range. LG claims that when connected to inverter power, their fridges consume less than what 2 CFL bulbs use.
Convertible 5 Modes:
This is a Samsung Fridge innovation. There are 5 ways the fridge can work to save electricity. These are the 5 modes of operation of a Samsung Fridge having Convertible 5 Modes:
Normal Mode
Extra Fridge Mode: to convert the freezer into a fridge
Vacation Mode: keeps only the freezer on and turns off the fridge section
Seasonal Mode: keeps only the fridge side on and turns off the freezer section
Home Alone Mode: turns off the fridge section and converts freezer section into fridge
Coolpack 12 Hours:
Cool Packs are special plastic rectangular shaped bottles which contain high specific heat fluid that can maintain and transfer cold to keep the surrounding area cool. Samsung fridges equipped with the Coolpack 12 Hours feature enables the freezer to remain below zero degrees for up to 12 hours when there is no electricity.
Door Cooling:
With Door cooling, there are additional vents to blow cold refrigerated air from the door of the fridge towards the inside of the fridge when the door is closed. With door cooling, there is a more uniform flow of air within the fridge and will help in cooling down the contents within the fridge faster, especially newly placed food stuff.
Door Cooling:
With Door cooling, there are additional vents to blow cold refrigerated air from the door of the fridge towards the inside of the fridge when the door is closed. With door cooling, there is a more uniform flow of air within the fridge and will help in cooling down the contents within the fridge faster, especially newly placed food stuff.
Door-in-Door is a trademark LG feature, where there is an extra door on the outside surface of the fridge, and the door itself is thicker and has shelves built in. The door-in-door of some LG fridges is a transparent glass window on the outside of the fridge door as sown in the picture here. The transparent glass allows you to see what is inside the door-in-door compartment. If you knock twice on the glass pane, it opens automatically. This is convenient to take out soft drinks, water, sauces, etc. and you need not open the main door of the fridge. This saves electricity because no cold air from the main fridge is lost.
Dual Fridge:
Dual Fridge means that the freezer in a fridge can be converted to a normal fridge, without freezing the food. This is very helpful if you need additional fridge space. ‘Dual Fridge’ is a Trade Mark of LG but Samsung Fridges also have the same in their Fridges called ‘Convertible 5 Modes’.
Ever Fresh Zone:
A special area in the fridge designed to keep the correct moisture level required by vegetables and fruits to stay fresh.
Hygiene Fresh:
Hygiene Fresh is an LG air purifying device in their fridges. Hygiene Fresh uses UV light and a Photocatalyst which provides sterilisation to kill any bacteria floating around in the fridge and at the same time reduce bad smells in a fridge.
Ice Beam Door Cooling:
Ice Beam Door Cooling is what LG call their door cooling. Door cooling means having additional air vents from the door towards the inside of the fridge when the fridge is closed. With Ice Beam Door Cooling there is a more uniform flow of air within the fridge and will help in cooling down the contents within the fridge faster, especially newly placed foodstuff.
Inverter Linear Compressor:
Inverter linear compressor is an LG invention whereby instead of a rotary compressors the compressor is a unique piston with spring dampening as fully explained in our page about linear inverter compressor in fridges. It is generally accepted that the inverter linear compressor is the most efficient compressor for fridges.
Linear Cooling:
Linear cooling that all areas inside the fridge will have uniform cooling. This is usually achieved with forced air circulation in the fridge with fans and vents in different locations inside the fridge.
Moist Balance Crisper:
Moist Balance Crisper means that the Crisper or the vegetable and fruits bin in a fridge has a special grill lattice which preserves optimum moisture level in the crisper. Moisture which evaporates from the vegetables and fruits are condensed on the lattice, thus maintaining the correct moisture level in the vegetable tray in the fridge.
Pull Out Tray:
These are shelves in the fridge which are like trays and have rollers to allow easy slide out and in. This allows easy access to stored items at the back of the fridge.
Smart Connect Inverter:
Smart Connect Inverter is a Samsung Fridge feature by which the fridge connects to the home inverter automatically when there is a power cut. So even with long periods of power cut the fridge will keep working with reduced power intake and keep its contents from spoiling.
Spice box:
Spice box is offered by LG fridge and are special dry airtight containers which keep the Spices cold and in airtight conditions, so that the spices last longer in a fresh condition.
Twin Cooling Plus:
Twin Cooling Plus is a Samsung trademarked feature which keeps the fridge environment with 70% humidity compared to the 30% in other fridges. Samsung claims that with this high humidity levels in the fridge food items kept in the fridge stays fresher for longer time without drying out. The Twin Cooling Plus feature also has the cooling air circulating in each compartment separately to prevent odours from from freezer going to the fridge and vice versa.
Advantage of Online buying of Home Appliances
Whatever Home Appliance you plan to buy, it is best to first do an online research about all available types and models on the leading online retailers in India, namely Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. The advantage of first doing an online research about products you plan to buy is that you get to see all the available models of the product and you get to compare prices online. After this you can go around to the showrooms and do window shopping.
You should then decide to buy from the cheapest and most reliable source. When buying online, you can be sure that you will not get fake products and you are assured of after sales service. This is because the giant on-line retailers arrange for delivery to your house directly through the manufacturers of the product. Due to the high volume of business from the big online retailers, all manufacturers will make sure that any delivery on behalf of the big online retailers are of the best quality and that after sales service is provided on a priority basis.
If ever you have any problems, then you can go back to these online retailers and complain. All of these big online sellers have a reputation to keep and they always make sure that all complaints are promptly solved.
Advantage of buying AC, Fridge, Washing Machine, etc. online
Buying online fridges, washing machines, dishwashers and other major kitchen appliances is now the better option in India, just like it is in the USA and other advanced countries. There are several advantages of buying online. First of all, you get unbeatable bargain prices. Secondly, you get new and genuine products. Other benefits include no interest EMI payments, able to return the product for a full refund if not satisfied, etc.
Just to give you an example, below are some of the benefits Amazon India, the leading global online retailer, offered in India during their last sale. The same deals are not always available, but it is a good idea to check this link to the special offers page on Amazon.in India website.